Sea Level Rising...

Haanee Naeem has added a photo to the pool:

Sea Level Rising...

Rising sea levels and coastal erosion are causing widespread damage in the Maldives. Our leaders have had their message sent across the world, hope the world has listened to our plight.

Kyoto divided the world. It divided us between rich and poor, developed and developing, Annex 1 and non-Annex 1. Our task now is to unite the world, behind the shared vision of low-carbon growth. The Maldives is trying to lead the way. I call on every country in the room to join us, not just for the sake of the Maldives, but for all of us who live on this beautiful planet
President Mohamed Nasheed in his Statement to the Joint High-level segment of COP15 and CMP5 in Copenhagen in September 2009.

It is not too late to save the world. It is not too late to save the Maldives and other low-lying island nations. Only the vital collective commitment is missing
President M. A. Gayoom at the 42nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Special Debate on Environment and Development on 19 October 1987.


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