Turkey stunned as Israeli probe rules Gaza flotilla raid in keeping with international law

By Minivan News | January 24th, 2011 | Category: News in Brief | No Comments
Turkey has said is stunned following the release of findings of an investigation by an Israeli probe into the Israeli Defence Force (IDF)s raid on a flotilla of aid ships in May 2010.Israel promised an investigation into the legality of the military raid after it received widespread international censure for its actions.However the commission concluded that the raid was legally pursuant to the rules of international law, as was the naval blockade of Palestine, and noted that troops encountered extreme violence when boarding one of the ferries, including weapon fire.Activists from a Turkish Islamist organisation on board the ferry denied the allegations, while Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed the commission had no credibility.How can a report ordered and prepared in the same country have any value? he said.Groups within Israel, including the Physicians for Human Rights, accused the commission of moral and legal blindness.


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